Friday, September 10, 2010

Selamat Menyambut Hari Raya Aidil Fitri

Kepada semua saudara-mara, rakan-rakan dan rakyat Malaysia, saya mengucapkan Selamat Menyambut Hari Raya Aidil Fitri.

Hari Raya Aidilfitri disambut pada 1 Syawal tahun Hijrah. Perayaan tersebut juga dikenali sebagai Hari Raya Puasa, Hari Raya Fitrah, dan Hari Lebaran. Hari Raya Aidilfitri merupakan perayaan yang dirayakan oleh umat Islam di seluruh dunia tidak kira bangsa sama ada Melayu,India-Muslim dan lain-lain bangsa di seluruh dunia yang beragama Islam bagi menandakan berakhirnya bulan Ramadhan yang mana umat Islam telah menjalani ibadat puasa dengan tekun.
Hadiah hari raya kepada anda semua. 


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Selangor Blueprint 2011-2013

The Pakatan Rakyat led Selangor State Government has shown that it means serious business in fulfilling its duties to the community. The state government via its Economic Planning Unit has embarked on a bottoms-up approach to identify core issues and to make recommendations in a 3 year plan called the Selangor Blueprint 2011-2013.

The term bottoms-up approach means that the plan will be created from comments and feedback received from the public. The first part of the plan was to initiate a round table discussion with community leaders, state and federal related agency officers at the district level and NGOs. There are 12 Local Authority Areas/Councils in Selangor and 1 session was held at each place. Each Local Authority Area/Councils were responsible for the logistics of the session and lowest turnout was 80 participants whereas the highest was 170 participants. At each session after opening speech by the council president and a briefing of the session purpose, the participants were segregated into different tables with 8-10 participants per table joined by 1 moderator and 1 rapporteur. The session moderators and rapporteurs were from Merdeka Center for Opinion Research. Their job was only to moderate the discussion and take down all ideas and recommendations.

There were three themes given for discussion with each being allocated 40-45 minutes. The themes were (1) Infrastructure, Physical Development and Economic Policy, (2) Good Governance and Transparency, and (3) Social and Community Development. Discussion topics were same for all three themes, i.e., (1) issues that needed action within short term (6 months) and mid term (2 years); (2) core areas where the state government has to cooperate with federal agencies; and (3) positive and negative impacts from policies/actions taken by the state government since 2008.

Response to the sessions were fantastic and all inputs, issues highlighted and recommendations forwarded was compiled and will be given to the State Economic Planning Unit for analysis.

Additionally, discussions with industry associations, commercial associations, youth associations will be held separately. All findings will be analysed and a draft plan will be presented in October 2010. The plan will be tabled in the state senate on November 2010 and will be released in December 2010. 

I hope that the plan does not exist only as a lofty theoretical volume as most plans end up, but that the implementation of the economic blueprint do benefit the community of Selangor. How far this plan can improve the socio-economic condition of Selangor's community will determine Pakatan Rakyat's future in Selangor.

rudran 121

(G)rumblings in Putrajaya and Bukit Aman

The current spat between the outgoing Inspector General of Police (IGP), Tan Sri Musa Bin Tan Sri Hj. Hassan and the supposedly top people of Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) has all the hall marks of inefficiency and incompetency of appointed civil servants not fulfilling and/or not being responsible for the power and position that they wield.

Although, certain groups have congratulated the outgoing IGP for his frank outburst, he is still accountable for the actions and meddling that he quietly acquiesced during his tenure as the top cop. In all likelihood, he would not have voiced out any dissatisfaction now, if his term was extended. To top it, he has the nerve to tell his successor Tan Sri Hj. Ismail Bin Hj. Omar to be brave and not to be brow beaten by these same officials from KDN. 

There are two broad issues that need to be highlighted here, and it is the duty of the Malaysian public to request for answers from the elected government of the day.
Issue 1: Acquiescence and acceptance of meddling from KDN by Tan Sri Musa Hassan
Tan Sri Musa Hassan started his career in 1969 as a Probationary Officer in Kuala Kubu Bharu, Selangor and attained the highest office of IGP in 2006. Since then he has had 2 extensions to his tenure as IGP. The current humiliation by KDN whereas he was not informed of his retirement prior to the news conference shows the level of KDN officials mediocrity. Since then, Tan Sri Musa Hassan has given press conferences indicating that KDN officials and other third party has meddled in police work, whereby orders have been given to officers directly and not through the police hierarchy thus creating interference in police activities and actions. Certain recent cases do come to mind such as the ISA detention for "safe keeping of witness," action on a certain royal family, non-action or over action of police on certain demonstrations etc, which on hindsight contradicts and do not follow prescribed order. Tan Sri Musa Hassan must be held accountable for any short comings on these matters as it was well within his powers as IGP to take severe action on those meddling in police work as claimed by him. Complaining about the matter after his tenure was not renewed do create a certain "sour-grape" mentality.

Issue 2: What right has KDN officials/third party to meddle in police work
KDN core policy and clients' charter can be accessed in ( It is the ministry which undertakes policy and guidelines PDRM. Its officers have no power and/authority in messing with the operational aspect of police work. If there were suggestions, recommendations or orders that need to be entertained by PDRM, then they would have to liaise with the IGP or if he is not available to the Deputy IGP for action to be mooted by PDRM. In this case, the government of the day must make public the names of KDN officials that have meddled as mentioned by IGP Tan Sri Musa Hassan and appropriate action must be taken on them to maintain the integrity and dignity of both KDN and PDRM. Who are the other third party which has also meddled into police work, on what authority have they had power over police hierarchy to do such meddling. The recent explanation by the Chief Secretary of KDN Dato' Sri Mahmood Bin Adam was unable to deliver justice to the accusation by Tan Sri Musa Hassan. I think, it is the Minister, i.e., Dato' Sri Hishamuddin Bin Tun Hussein who should be able to clear the matter.

The Prime Minister Dato' Sri Najib Tun Razak, should take this opportunity to carry out a thorough enquiry and should there be issues of accountability and transparency that need to be sorted out, then such remedy must be taken immediately. This action at least would enable the Prime Minister to show his commitment to all the sloganeering that he has been voicing out recently. However, I highly doubt there will be any concrete steps taken on this matter and over time the "rakyat" will be allowed the luxury of forgetting about this issue.



Hello, everyone. This blog will mainly be concerned with articles on social, economic and political happenings in Malaysia and the world. However, since I also have wide interest in movies, books and environment, some postings related to these will also be presented.

Blog postings will be bilingual, i.e., articles can be in both English and Bahasa Melayu, although for most part it will be in English. 

Thank you.

Rudran 121