Tuesday, September 14, 2010


PERKASA (Pertubuhan Pribumi Perkasa) was registered with the Malaysian Registrar of Associations on 12th September 2008. It has a committee which is headed by its president, Dato’ Ibrahim Ali followed by Dato’ Fuad Hassan, Datuk Ruhanie Ahmad, Datuk Hj Shuaib Hj Lazim and Dato’ Mokhtar Samad (the 3 Vice Presidents), Syed Hassan Syed Ali (General Secretary), Datuk Abd Rahman A Bakar (Treasurer), Datuk Ruhanie Ahmad, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamed is the patron for this organization. (Deputy President), (Information Chief) and 15 other committee members. Their website is quite informative with current news, opinion pieces, economical and social articles and commentaries as well as news archives.

Within the confines of its core objective, PERKASA is a very relevant organization serving to undertake, voice out, fight for and to lobby for the benefit and betterment of the Malay race. Since the 2008 electoral results that granted 5 states (currently 4 states after the debacle in Perak) to the opposition Pakatan Rakyat and the denting of two-third majority in parliament, the UMNO dominated National Coalition has been weakened by reduction in public support, internal bickering and power play in UMNO and the other coalition member parties. This was compounded by the ineffectual and incompetent handling of the country by its fifth prime minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (Tun Mahathir’s anointed successor but eventually his worst critic at later stage). The electoral defeats, disenchantment of UMNO’s own members and incessant attacks by Tun Mahathir eventually led to the closure of the Badawi legacy. Dato Sri Najib Tun Razak, son to the third Malaysian Prime Minister succeeded Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. His premiership was endorsed by Tun Mahathir.

Disenchantment and disillusion quickly followed as scandals after scandals, introduction of a hodge-podge of economic liberalization plans, mere sloganeering and public relation related announcements without concrete plans of implementation, back pedaling on policies and planning already approved due to pressure from affected parties, flip-flop decisions, and rising cost of living due to subsidy removals characterized the premiership of Dato Sri Najib.

Starting from Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s rule right up to the current Dato Sri Najibs rule, the Malay race, has perceived that their rights have started eroding. It is in this scenario that the much slighted and criticized Dato Ibrahim Ali rose with PERKASA as the champion of Malay rights and “Ketuanan Melayu” concept.

The core objectives as mentioned above, appealed to the Malay population and with tacit support from UMNO itself, PERKASA came to know its own power and popularity. The patronage of Tun Mahathir (thus ensuring a coterie of ready made blogspots and bloggers aligned to him to vociferously support PERKASA) made it into a nationalist movement.

The popularity of PERKASA and its power base in dictating and lobbying for its version of Malay rights have  ostensibly affected the implementation of liberalization policies as well as Malay population’s questioning of NEM. This has created a stumbling effect on economical and social policy planning and implementation as envisaged by the government.

In recent times, the strident voice of Ibrahim Ali championing for Malay rights has bordered racism tinged rhetorical speeches which has raised fears amongst other races. It would have been better if PERKASA via its spokesman Ibrahim Ali championed or fought for all matters regarding Malay rights but his own political ambitions made him a selective persecutor, i.e., highlighting or fighting for certain causes at one instance but being silent for similar matters in other areas. The most defining example is the case where he went for the jugular of the Pakatan Rakyat supporters for not respecting the royalty during the Perak imbroglio, but remained silent when a similar disrespect was accorded to the Kelantan Sultan when he was obstructed by weapons wielding Police Special Action Unit. In fact up to a few months back, PERKASA only championed for Malay rights if it involved the opposition parties and/or in states ruled by Pakatan Rakyat. Only after the NEM was introduced that disillusion with UMNO and Dato Sri Najib started to gather heat. With Tun Mahathir’s tacit approval, PERKASA began directly hitting at UMNO and the government liberalization policies.

Pressures from component parties, inability to proceed with economic reforms and behind the scene power play in UMNO initiated by Mahathir and gang, finally made Dato Sri Najib to ask UMNO to distance themselves from PERKASA. UMNO will not support Ibrahim Ali in the next general election. UMNO MPs and ministers aligned to Dato Sri Najib or those that are currying favors have started to attack PERKASA and Dato Ibrahim Ali. All mainstream media (except Utusan Malaysia) have started to take the government’s stand against PERKASA. At the moment, PERKASA still has the support of Tun Mahathir and UMNO members aligned to him. Utusan Malaysia still is the voice piece for PERKASA.

In this round it is PERKASA which has won the game. UMNO the dominant political party in the ruling coalition has indicated that they do not need PERKASA to win the Malay heart. That sentence in itself implies that UMNO realizes PERKASA’s hold to the Malay heart. It has to be understood here that both Tun Mahathir and Dato Ibrahim Ali may not have the same goals in pursuing their agenda via PERKASA.

At the current moment, the Malay is already split into 3 entities, i.e., UMNO, PAS and PKR. It is via this split that Ibrahim Ali is trying to become the kingmaker for the Malay political struggle. As much as one dislikes the man, he is a street smart, back slapping, p**k barrel politician of the old order, His political ambition is still there no matter what he may infer now.  UMNO distances itself from PERKASA at its own peril.

Dato Sri Najib and UMNO can and should accommodate PERKASA and treat them as a Malay NGO and not a political entity. To remove the political baggage that has hijacked PERKASA, Dato Sri Najib must make a decisive move to neutralize and checkmate both Tun Mahathir and Dato Ibrahim Ali. Easier said than done, but not impossible. Will Dato Sri Najib have the firmness and gumption to do this or will UMNO cave in and go running to PERKASA can be gauged in the actions that will take place in the next few weeks. 

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